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Website https://l2flexara.com/
Opening date 01/01/1970 01:00
Chronicle High Five
Rank 74
Votes 84
Uptime 95.8%
Last Check 17 minute(s) ago
Country Netherlands
Rates x101-x1000

General Rates.

XP/SP: x120
Adena: x250
Drop Chance: x5
Spoil Chance: x5
Clan rep: x1
Party XP/SP: x2
Raid Drop: x1
Manor x1
Weight Limit x8
Epaulettes x5
Quest Reward x1
Quest Drop x1
Epic Boss x2

Enchant Rates.

Safe +7 / Max +20
Normal scroll chance: 70%
Blessed scroll chance: 75%
Crystal scroll chance: 100%
Elemental Stone 50%
Elemental Crystal 30%

VIP Rates.

XP/SP: x180
Adena: x375
Drop Chance: x7.5
Weight Limit: +50%
Epaulettes: x6.5
Craft Chance: +3%

General Features.

Inventory slots: 150
Buffs/songs/dance duration: 3h
Ready schemes for Mage, Fighter, Dagger, Archer, Support and Tank
Individual Buffs system with Heal and Cancel method.
Able to create your Custom Scheme.
Max Buff Schemes: 4
Max Buff Amount = 22
Max Buff Amount For Premium = 24
Max Debuff Amount = 24
Max Debuff Amount For Premium = 24
Max Triggered Buff Amount = 12
Max Dance Amount = 12
Max clients per pc: 3
Antibot gameguard: yes
Geodata pathnodes: yes
Quests: only nobless needed.
Subclass max lvl: 85
Class master: on
Offline shop: yes
Autolearn skills: yes
Vitality system: on
Premium account: on
Custom areas for farm
Custom RBs
Custom new rb jewls
Every 2 weeks event from GM.
PvP system with Farm Coin reward
Warehouse via CB

Gatekeeper and Zones.

Level Up Zone 1-84
2x Party Farm Zones with Special droplist Adena, Farm, Enchant Scrolls, Giant's Codex Mastery, Blessed Scrolls and Top-Grade LS Lv 80
2x Solo Farm Zones with Special droplist Adena, Farm, Enchant Scrolls, Giant's Codex, Blessed Scroll

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