AmanomaGaming RO
Owner Support
Status online
Opening date 05/02/2024 18:00
Episode Pre-Renewal (2002-2009)
Rank 33
Votes 221
Uptime 93.4%
Last Check 19 minute(s) ago
Country Philippines
Rates Low Ratex11-x50

Server Rate:
Base Exp: 12x
Job Exp: 12x
Item Drops: 5x
Normal Cards: 5x
Happy hour:
Base Exp: 15x
Job Exp:15x
Item Drops: 8x
Normal Cards: 8x

Server Info:
Max Aspd: 190
Max Stats: 99
Base and Job Level: 99/70
Mode: Pre-Renewal
Guild Capacity: 36/36

Server Features:
Mobile Emulator
VIP System
AFK/Auto attack (VIP)
Gepard 3.0
Multi Client (Max of 2)
1Hr All MVP respawn
Progressive Server

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